What computer science skills are most valuable in neuroscience research? by Paul King
Answer: All of them.
The Tale of the Dueling Neurosurgeons by Sam Kean
Andy's Brain Blog Have you just read the manual provided with some neuroscience related software and still have no idea what you're doing? Check Andrew Jahn's brain blog for the guidance many technical manuals lack and every beginner needs.
Matthew Crump's R tutorial Learning R? This awesome tutorial created by Dr. Crump (Brooklyn College) is an excellent introduction.
Colors in R This pdf from Columbia lists all the colors available in R.
Color Brewer This tool provides perceptually pleasing color schemes for various data types. Created by Cindy Brewer and Mark Harrower at Penn State. There is also a color brewer package available in R.
SPM Videos
Crash Log A CogNeuro statistics blog by Peter Molfese
A Practical Guide to Learning Github.
Lisa A. Solinger